
3 in Masks Hold Up a Marshall’s Store in Costa Mesa

Three masked gunmen ordered about 30 customers and employees at a Marshall’s discount clothing store in Costa Mesa to lie on the floor Sunday afternoon, then cleaned out a cash register and grabbed two shoppers’ purses, police said.

While the robbery was underway, two other men stood outside the entrance, directing customers away from the store, in the Harbor Shopping Center at 2300 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Sgt. Tim Schennum said. The three gunmen fled in a cream-colored four-door BMW, he said. It was unclear what happened to the two lookouts, he said.

Schennum said the three men entered the store about 5:25 p.m. wearing what witnesses described as ski masks or breathing-protection masks. The men pointed black handguns and “ordered all the customers down to the floor in a takeover-style robbery,” Schennum said.


No one was injured in the holdup. The amount of money taken was still being calculated late Sunday, he said.
