

A judge ruled Tuesday that inspectors could not enter the First Baptist Church’s sanctuary to see whether there were homeless people sleeping there. Assistant City Prosecutor Greg Palmer had asked for the inspections after hearing police reports about witnesses who said the church was allowing the practice, in violation of city codes.

Rev. Wiley Drake denied that there were homeless sleeping in the sanctuary. He added: “If a judge [allowed] police to go into a church sanctuary just because people might sleep there, that would have great ramifications all across the country. . . . We’re very pleased.”

Drake and his church were convicted in 1997 of zoning and building code violations for housing homeless people in the patio shelter and parking lot. The church was put on probation and required to shelter no more than 52 people. Some of Drake’s homeless, however, told police that Drake houses people in the sanctuary once his shelter is full.


The building does not meet codes for having people sleeping in it and thus poses a safety hazard, Buena Park Police Capt. Gary Hicken said. Hicken and city officials have said the church has been given special treatment by the courts.

“If you or I was keeping people in an unsafe building, the court would not only convict us but kick us out in a heartbeat,” Hicken said. “This didn’t happen because it was a church and because they are helping the homeless.”
