
Cable Firm Plans 46% Price Increase

Cable subscribers can expect higher monthly bills under a plan by Comcast Cablevision to hike its charges for premium channels.

Comcast, which serves about 30,000 homes and businesses in Simi Valley, has announced plans for a 46% price increase for its cluster of premium channels known as the “Value Pak,” which include the Family Channel, TBS, American Movie Classics and the History Channel.

“We certainly don’t like to raise rates, said John Jackson, Comcast’s general manager. “With the Value Pak, which is the largest increase, our programming costs went up that much.”


At the same time, Comcast has proposed lowering its prices for installation and maintenance insurance.

The monthly cost of the Value Pak would rise from $4.27 to $6.25, or 46%. Complete basic service, which includes the Value Pak channels, would increase from $32.49 to $34.74, or nearly 7%.

A consultant is looking into Comcast’s proposal for the city, in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations, said Joe Hreha, deputy director of community services. Those findings, as well as a review of customers’ complaints on Comcast service, will be included in the staff report supplied to the council.


But while the city can review the increases, it has the authority to regulate only Comcast’s prices for its basic service package, Hreha said. And that limitation has city officials frustrated.

“I don’t think [the increases] are justified,” Councilwoman Barbra Williamson said. “But even saying that, our hands are tied.”

Other Comcast services are either regulated by the FCC or not at all, Hreha said.

A public hearing on the proposed changes is scheduled during the Jan. 25 City Council meeting, set to begin at 6:30 p.m. It will be held at City Hall, 2929 Tapo Canyon Road.
