
Did Jordan Retire? Must Have Missed It

I guess I just don’t get it. I believe basketball is a team game. And I believe Michael Jordan is one of the finest players in the history of the game. Most say he is the best individual player in the history of the game. And I agree that he is one of the best individuals. But it is still a team game. I fear that much of Mike’s legacy is going to be baggy shorts, jewelry, and an extra step on the way to the hoop. But at least he won’t get blamed for starting the fact that the superstar gets the call. Mike wasn’t the only one who got the calls as the late Jim Murray appropriately pointed out in one of his articles.

I hope Mike enjoys his retirement, and I enjoyed watching his prowess on the court. But the game will go on, just as it did after Russell’s Celtics and Wooden’s Bruins.



When kids were killing each other over a pair of Nike Air Jordans, Michael “checked it out” and that was about it. When it became apparent that Nike was exploiting its work force overseas, Michael “looked into it” but apparently didn’t see much. I guess money talks and conscience walks.


PHILIP J. HILOW, Los Angeles


Top 10 reasons Michael Jordan should not have retired:

10. His attempt to break McGwire’s home run record is put on hold.

9. Gives him less time to make “Space Jam II.”

8. Helps Phil Jackson stay out of the unemployment line.

7. Keeps us guessing as to what style Hanes he’s really wearing.

6. Diamond ring retailers in Chicago continue to thrive.

5. Averts an embarrassing effort at joining the pro golf tour.

4. Visual exacta of the Rolling Stones insignia and Jordan’s tongue remains intact.

3. Forestalls carpal tunnel syndrome in at least one blackjack dealer.

2. Thank heavens, there remains a place for Ahmad Rashad’s nose.

1. Prevents him from coming out of retirement next year.

JOHN R. GRUSH, Mission Viejo
