
Kennedy Disaster and Small Planes

In the wake of the Kennedy disaster, will there be upgrades in the safety equipment in small private planes? Will it require government intervention? Will it take years to go into effect?

No one wants to think about crashing when setting off to a fabulous wedding. The time to think about safety is when buying a plane and when selling it.

No, I don’t presume that a life jacket would have saved one of these people. But we have learned that even the Coast Guard needed better equipment. Is its absence another indication of a society of greed?



Los Angeles


The Kennedy/Bessette tragedy seems to have touched everyone in some way. I wept for both families and for what could have been. John Jr. is the Kennedy whom everyone had hope for. He was the Kennedy we could relate to. He seemed like a regular guy.

My prayers go out to the Kennedy and Bessette families, especially Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Lauren Bessette’s twin sister. How awful it must be to lose siblings in such a tragic way.




Once again, America’s collective heart weeps for the Kennedys. Although we never will understand how the fates choose on whom they will cast their torments and bequeath their legacy of tragedy, we see it manifested in the Kennedy family, and we grieve with them.



La Palma
