
Armed Trio Get Salesman’s Load of Jewels

Three armed men robbed a salesman of several thousand dollars worth of jewelry Wednesday morning in Santa Ana before fleeing in a car with dealer plates, police said.

The 9:20 a.m. incident began when the salesman, who was not identified, left his motel room in the 1600 block of East 1st Street, said Sgt. Raul Luna. Three men got out of a dark blue Toyota Camry and approached, stealing a wallet and a briefcase filled with jewelry from the man, who was about to leave for the airport, Luna said.

About 50 minutes later, police located the vehicle, which was abandoned on Chestnut Avenue across from the Santa Ana Zoo, Luna said. The forensics team inspected the vehicle, he said.


“This type of robbery is uncommon,” Luna said. “It was calculated. It’s not a random robbery.”
