
Mix ‘n’ Match on the Road

Question from July 20:

What things should be color coordinated with your automobile?

Color coordinate hair color with car color. That’s a problem for us bald-headed folk. So I suppose we should drive a convertible.

--DON MADDOX, Tarzana

1) Your hair: As it changes color, you simply visit Earl Scheib and have your car repainted. 2) Your moods: Feeling depressed? Blue car. Feeling happy? Yellow or orange car. Filled with love for all nationalities? Rainbow-colored car.

--MARK MILLER, Los Angeles

Turn an automobile into one large mood ring. Motorists need to know the mood of the other driver.


--RAYMOND BATES, Marina del Rey

The LAPD traffic enforcement division should issue color-coordinated parking tickets for those cars they tag.

--SUSAN NOOGER, Winnetka

Like mood rings from the ‘70s, the paint job on your car would somehow sense your mood and then change to the appropriate color.

--KATHY JAMES, Cypress

Fluorescent driving gloves to enhance those festive hand gestures we display to the fenderhead who doesn’t let us merge into the exit lane.



What is the most important part of today’s cars? Loan payment coupons. Color them anything but red.

--WERNER HAAS, West Hollywood

Question for July 27:

A new Web site allows loggers-on to view celebrities’ driveways (see story, this page). What other parts of celebrities’ homes would you most like to see?

Send replies of 25 words or fewer to Smart Aleck, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053, or e-mail [email protected]. Include your name and hometown.
