
Kitchen Slobs Can Clean Up in Contest

If your kitchen looks like a cyclone passed through it, if loading and unloading your dishwasher has become your primary source of exercise, and if you can’t tell what color the counters are for all the grime, don’t clean up. You could be rewarded for your mess with a year of free housecleaning.

Unilever Home and Personal Care, makers of Sunlight dishwashing detergent and owners of residential cleaning service Molly Maid, are searching for America’s messiest kitchens for the second annual Clean Up Your Kitchen contest. So put down that broom, peel off those rubber gloves and grab a camera to take a color picture of your culinary disaster zone.

Include a brief essay, 25 words or fewer, explaining why your kitchen needs a good cleaning. Contestants must be older than 18. Entries must include your name (hand printed), address, phone number and age on an official entry blank, or on a 3 1/2-by-5-inch piece of paper. Mail to Sunlight Clean Up Your Kitchen Contest, P.O. Box 1477, Young America, MN 55594-1477. Entries must be received no later than Sept. 15.
