
Members of the Junior League of Pasadena,...

Members of the Junior League of Pasadena, veterans of cookbook compilation, have put together six books. What sets the newest--”Dining by Design” (Junior League of Pasadena, $24.95)--apart is its focus on room settings as well as recipes. The 43 photographs through the book show areas where one might dine at home, both indoors and outdoors, created by members of the Pasadena chapter of the American Society of Interior Designers. The recipes range from simple short-cut ideas to fancier dishes suitable for parties. “Dining by Design” is available in some bookstores and can be ordered from the Junior League at (626) 796-0162. Phone orders can be charged to Visa or MasterCard and include a $5 shipping and handling charge. Proceeds from book sales go to the league’s philanthropic projects.
