
Forum Planned for Cable Subscribers

Residents will get a chance to state their preferred cable television services and channels when the city holds a public forum next month on the future of the city’s cable franchise.

Assistant City Manager John Nowak said the June 15 forum is being held to help the city prepare for negotiations with Tele-Communications Inc. of Ventura County (TCI) and Century Communications, whose franchises expire Dec. 20, 2000.

Century Communications is in the process of merging with TCI, an agreement that must be approved by the City Council.


Nowak said the forum will allow Moorpark’s 7,000 to 8,000 cable subscribers to express concerns over service and say which new services they would prefer.

Under federal regulations, franchises must meet local community requirements, Nowak noted.

“It’s a good process to get the community’s input on the things the community needs,” TCI General Manager Dan Deutsch said. “It helps [the city] in their negotiations and in talking to us.”

Nowak said there have been no significant complaints about cable service in Moorpark. Many subscribers have inquired about adding cable modems, which provide high-speed Internet access through television cable lines.
