
Public Input on Toll Road Plan

I commend Rep. Ron Packard for his opposition to the El Toro airport. He stated in a recent article that he had “serious concerns regarding a planning process which has virtually silenced the voices of those most impacted by El Toro.”

A similar silencing of voices is taking place right in Ron Packard’s own district, that of the planning of the Foothill South toll road.

The Transportation Corridor Agencies is moving forward with plans for the preferred alignment without any input from those it would affect the most, the residents of south San Clemente.


Packard opposes the airport because it “would not dramatically improve the quality of life in South County.” Same story on the toll road.

Packard has taken a step in the right direction by opposing the El Toro airport. I would like to see him continue on this path by opposing the toll road.


San Clemente
