
The Kids’ Reading Rooom : Reading by 9 : The Best Summer Vacation Ever

Dear kids: We asked you recently about your best summer vacation ever. Here’s what some of you said:

My best vacation ever is going to the beach. It is so fun at the beach. One time my dad, my mom, brother and I got wet. My dad went surfing in the water. I cheered him. The waves were cool. My mom (dove in the water). We ate chips and tacos. The same food tasted so much better on the beach than it tasted at home.

--Ruben, 8, Venice


The best summer vacation I have ever had was when we went to Hawaii. I liked it so much. It was fun to swim in the water because it was so warm. My dad and I went snorkeling and I got to see all sorts of marine life.


--Cameron, 10, Glendale


The best summer vacation I had was last year because my dad took us to an Angels game at Anaheim Stadium. The Angels beat the Blue Jays, 5-1. Tim Salmon hit a three-run home run off Roger Clemens.

--Stephen, 8, Granada Hills
