
Teaching Kids to Hunt

Re “Helping Kids to Pick Up a Gun,” Sept. 21: You are to be commended for exposing what millions of good hunters have always known. Unfortunately we live in an age when fewer and fewer people have a connection with wildlife, nature, hunting and fishing. These same people are manipulated by politicians, as well as anti-gun and anti-hunter groups, to attack the rights of law-abiding hunters and gun owners in the name of crime control. The facts are that gun ownership by responsible citizens actually decreases crime and hunters and fishermen(women) were the first conservationists.

Hunting is a noble pursuit passed down from generation to generation. I strongly believe there would be many fewer violent acts if parents spent time outdoors bonding with their children and teaching them responsibilities, as many hunters do.


Santa Ana


Stephanie Simon’s article was a beautifully informative, nonjudgmental story of a father willing to take his responsibility as a parent seriously. Rob Manes should be awarded Father of the Year for having both the courage and the common sense to educate his children about firearms.


Aubrey Manes will certainly grow up to be a respectful, thoughtful and valuable member of society. This child now is far more wise than those many years her senior, those who would believe that ignorance is bliss where firearms are concerned. Education is the key to a society of tolerance.


Los Angeles


I have one question to ask these people who teach their children the joy of hunting doves. Why?


Marina del Rey
