
Oak Adoption Plan Attracting Donors

Since its inception in March, five area residents have joined the city’s Adopt an Oak Tree Program, which was created to preserve the trees that gave the city its name.

The program allows residents and businesses to adopt a heritage oak for $10,000 and other oaks for $250, $500 or $1,000.

The trees will be named for the donors. Each donor will receive a gift from the city, including a certificate signed by Mayor Dennis Gillette, an oak tree commemorative cup and a photo of the donor with the tree.


Proceeds from the donations benefit the city’s open-space fund and the parks in the community. The city has about 14,000 acres of open space, and the fund would acquire more open space.

In spring, city officials took pictures of the city’s oak trees, which are displayed on the city’s Web site.

Some of the city’s heritage oaks are at the Conejo Creek Park entrance, and others adorn the Old Meadows Park entrance. The Arts Council Center entrance also includes the venerable trees.


By the fall, city officials hope to have brochures about the program available and to publicize it aggressively.
