
Police Reform Talks

It seems to me that Los Angeles should, as far as possible, avoid any meaningful agreement on police reform with the U.S. Justice Department, because of the impending change in the administration. An agreement now would lock the city into a long-term process that might be significantly different from future government policy.

In a few months, a new administration will take office and there will be new faces and new requirements. Almost certainly there will be a new point man. Bill Lann Lee is in office now only through the legerdemain of President Clinton. Lee has never been confirmed by the Senate and has little chance of ever even being voted on. Other Justice Department personnel will change as well. A lame-duck group like that is ill-suited to forging an agreement that may bind for years to come.


Rolling Hills Estates


Re police reform negotiations: First decide whether you want a Police Department or an adult scout troop. No less than public safety waits in the breach.



