
Hero-Worship Justified in Beuerlein’s Case

It was 25 years ago today that I lost my grandmother to ALS. The timing of David McKibben’s article (Aug. 23) could not have been better, and it couldn’t have been worse. I don’t know what compelled you to write such an article but bless you for doing so. I will pray for Jeff Sherer’s family and friends to have the courage and strength that he has.

Your story stirred up so many confusing and conflicting emotions, I am still sorting them out. I am a devout Cowboy fan, and I have followed Steve Beuerlein’s career since he left Dallas. I always felt that Al Davis made a huge mistake letting him go and I was happy to see him become the starting quarterback in Carolina and play in the Pro Bowl, two things he richly deserved. I hope your [story] convinces other people that he is truly a hero, something that I always suspected and now am sure of.


