
Sheriff Joe Arpaio

* Re “As He Runs for a 4th Term, ‘Toughest’ Sheriff Is Ever Inventive,” Aug. 23: What an amazing contrast between California and our neighbors in Arizona. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio won’t compromise, won’t coddle criminals and he dramatically saves taxpayers money, unlike the programs instituted by our legislators and former L.A. County Sheriff Sherman Block.

Just how long will Californians continue to shell out the hundreds of millions necessary to build and maintain the Twin Towers and similar facilities? It’s infuriating to think of the money wasted to pamper those who would victimize others.

As I make the 400-mile, seven-hour drive along Highway 10 to visit my parents in Scottsdale, it makes my blood boil to see the vast amount of open land available to build our own “tent city.” To those who would condemn him, I say, way to go, Sheriff Joe!



West Los Angeles


Hats off to Sheriff Arpaio! Tent cities, “green bologna” surplus food and chain gangs. Why should inmates get special rights? If our American soldiers can sleep in tents and they’re protecting our country, then definitely tent cities are more than good for our criminals.

As Arpaio says, “You don’t like it, don’t come back!” Well said.


Long Beach
