
Superintendent Counters a Critic

* Regarding Sally Alvino’s letter, “Huntington Union Fails UC Prep Test” (Dec. 17):

Let me set the record straight regarding University of California admissions in our high schools.

Much has been written about UC admissions standards, and although a little complicated, it is quite simple.

In the Huntington Beach Union High School District, we neither “shunned” nor “failed” to send the transcripts to the state.


Last year 53% of graduating seniors in the district were eligible to attend the University of California system.

They achieved this eligibility through superior academic performance measured by high grade-point averages in a rigorous curriculum and higher scores on scholastic aptitude tests (SATs).

The new University of California’s much publicized admissions program guarantees admission to the top 4% of high school students in every class in the state.


This new program was developed to ensure that students from low-income and minority neighborhoods had access to a university education.

We applaud and support the state’s efforts to provide for disadvantaged students in our state.

Graduating seniors from our high schools in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and Westminster are supported by excellent schools and caring communities.


Our graduates are not affected by the new 4% admission guarantees since a much higher percentage of our students are already eligible for admission to the University of California system.

Again, the guarantees are more geared to students from low-income and minority neighborhoods.

Thank you for allowing me to set the record straight on one of the best high school districts in the state.



Huntington Beach Union

High School District
