
Tobacco Funds

Re your Dec. 30 editorial, “Straying Tobacco Funds”: The litigation proceeds from the tobacco companies can be considered, at least partially, a reimbursement for past health-related expenditures. These expenditures prevented county governments from making badly needed infrastructure investments such as jails. Releasing thousands of felons annually for want of jail space is very unhealthy for the public--a problem which screams out for help.

It is not good public policy nor is it in the best interest of the taxpayers to commit these funds irrevocably to any program (i.e., health care). The initiative would unwisely restrict how the tobacco money would be spent without regard for other urgent needs of taxpayers. Government squandered hundreds of thousands for “art” on I-5 Freeway walls, just because the money was there; let’s not waste millions more on some ill-advised “health care” scheme.


