
Curbing Student Parking Problem

* The students and teacher Milt Rouse, whose letter you printed June 3 and June 4, should discover other wheels: bicycles for students and a wheeled suitcase for the teacher who lives within two blocks of school.

The reality is that drivers want to show off their cars and then they rationalize the desire.

As a lesson in economics, I suggest students figure the value of a parking space at a cost equal to neighboring residential property, amortized like a home mortgage.


I figure that comes to about $75 per month.


Newport Beach

* Re “Student Parking Squeeze Spills Beyond Schools” (May 29):

I am a student at Dana Hills High School, one of the schools suffering from the resident-student clash on the parking problem.

You quoted one resident as saying that the students must learn that they cannot always have their way.

Adult residents are the students’ elders and students should be respectful to their wishes, but who is respecting the students’ wishes? It seems that the residents are on a power trip, using their age to get the cities to favor their stance.


I think the students and residents should band together and form a compromise solution to the problem.


Dana Point
