
Table tennis, anyone?

Mahir Cagri, the Ping-Pong-playing Turkish Internet superstar whose “I Want to Kiss You!” home page became a Web sensation last fall, is not the only swinger ready to promote his prowess at the game. A recent spread in Vogue revealed a Ping-Pong table on Spike Jonze and Sofia Coppola’s deck. “At first, they also used it as their dining room table,” says their interior designer, Brad Dunning, “but they moved it outside.” Over at the Standard Hotel, guests can choose between power-playing or Ping-Pong-playing at poolside. Though the Standard’s table folds up at dusk, at Milk, the Thursday night club held at Fais Do-Do on Adams Boulevard, the game rages on until 2 a.m. “We thought, ‘Hey, this would be cool with beer and music,’ ” says Milk promoter Belinda Peru. But the Ping-Pong tables, she says, are now “pretty much the focal point of the club.”
