
Judgment Against Surgeon

Re “Jury Awards $6.9 Million to Boy, 11,” March 24.

I am saddened by the tragic loss that occurred to this child and family. I am also very saddened by the portrayal of Dr. Bruce Hanson as a negligent surgeon. Although one can imagine that the jury was trying to ensure the future well-being of this child, this occurs at the devastation of a true local hero.

I have had the opportunity to work with Hanson for 21 years. He is truly unique and skilled among physicians. I have numerous patients who have literally been saved from death by his adept abilities. He is a generous, hard-working individual who cares equally for those with or without financial means.

Physicians are human beings. As such we are neither all-knowing nor incapable of error. What is the message to physicians when we see someone like Hanson, whom we hold in high regard, being served a judgment that could mean his financial ruin? What kind of reward is this from society for years of dedication, sacrifice, true caring and overall excellent work?


The system needs rethinking. Perhaps a form of compensation modeled after the Vaccine Compensation Act would make more sense. This act compensates patients who experience permanent damage as rare side effects of vaccines.

In any case, if our uniquely litigious society does not attempt to address these issues, medicine could reach a point where the risks of litigation would not justify the privilege of caring for our patients.


Thousand Oaks
