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A roundup of recommended Web sites

Happy trails: Gearing up to tackle K2? Or maybe something less ambitious? Check out for guidance on where to go and what to take.


Instant replay: The score may be different, but the coverage sounds the same. Find some of your favorite sports-isms at You can also vote on which announcer is the worst offender.


Hang time: Long for the days of playing hooky to catch the first baseball game of the season? Check out for games people play, from stickball to politics as usual.



Officer, are you serious? According to, you would have to yield right of way to peacocks and may have to take your toad-licking out of L.A. city limits. Some laws are dated, and others are just downright senseless. The site also links to other dumb sites on criminals and warnings.


Reel swift: Movie magic takes on a different meaning at https://www.moviebloopers .com. See things disappear and reappear and change from scene to scene. Is Darth Vader’s light saber really red or white? A couple of slices of “American Pie” also have some bad cuts. So much for consistency.


Breaking news: OK, news hounds, here’s where you can sniff out stories on those who give you the daily scoop:


Got a Web site suggestion? E-mail [email protected].
