
Raising a Glass to Breakfast, the Most Important Meal of the Day

Roger Hardy informed me that the newsletter of a local veterans group contained a typo that made a coming event sound more raucous than it probably will be. The newsletter said: “The meeting will be gin with breakfast.”

At ease!


JUST MOVED IN FROM HOLLYWOOD? Like anyone else looking for customers, adult schools try to print eye-catching catalogs advertising unique classes and guests. Roberta Greenwood of Pacific Palisades wonders if the Culver City Adult School was aware of the double meaning of a heading for one cooking class:

“Professional Looking Tarts.”


SPEAKING OF CONFUSION: Ray Woods of Bell sent me some tickets for a television preview in Anaheim with the explanation:


“I thought I’d pass these ducats to you so you can better your TV ratings. Being in the high 90s in the rankings is nothing to brag about.”

You’re right about that, Ray. But I really couldn’t brag about it if the WB networks’ “Steve Harvey Show” was ranked in the top 10.

It’s a different Steve Harvey. I gotta admit, though, I wish he’d move up in the ratings. I’m always pleased to accept misdirected compliments. Even when someone praises me for a column that The Times’ Randy Harvey wrote, I gladly say thank you.



ON THE ROAD: While visiting England, Dan Smith of Westminster found a hotel with a unique approach to unauthorized vehicles (see photo). Added Smith: “The Grapevine Hotel doesn’t have a parking problem, since the nearest filling station is about 12 kilometers down the road.”


COLLEGIATE PEAKS: David Lindell points out that the transmitter for KUSC-FM, the station at the University of Southern California, is on Mt. Harvard.

At least it’s not on Mt. Bruin.

Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, Times Mirror Square, L.A. 90053 and by e-mail at [email protected]. Sorry, I can’t answer all my mail.
