
* Albert P. Williams; Rand Corp. Expert on Health Care Services

Albert P. Williams, 65, Rand Corp. expert on utilization, delivery and financing of health care services. A Rand researcher for 32 years, Williams was born in Elgin, Texas, and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. He spent five years as a Navy engineering officer aboard a destroyer and later aboard a submarine before returning to school to earn master’s degrees in law and diplomacy and international relations, and a doctorate in economics at Tufts University. Williams worked for the federal government in Washington, overseeing foreign aid and international lending programs at the Bureau of the Budget. Before joining Rand in 1968, he spent about a year as President Lyndon B. Johnson’s advisor on foreign assistance strategy. At Rand, after studying problems of Far Eastern economic development, Williams in 1976 became director of the Santa Monica-based think tank’s newly created health policy research program. Among his studies were availability and utilization of doctors and medical facilities economically and geographically. At his death, Williams was board chairman of the Southern California Health Policy Research Consortium. On Nov. 14 in Santa Monica of cancer.
