
Forget the Celebrities: What to Look for in an Exercise Video

Question: What do you think of the latest exercise videos? Is one better than another? I’m a full-time, busy mom, and I really want to exercise at home.


Salem, Ore.

Answer: There are many safe, fun and effective tapes on the market--especially the ones with professional and certified fitness instructors--and I can’t say that one is better than the other. Choosing an exercise video is a matter of personal preference and style.

However, some videos border on ridiculous, so do your homework: Rent before you buy. Also, keep your fitness goals in perspective and be aware that fitness tapes are not a “one size fits all” proposition.


When you first watch a tape, ask these questions:

* How easy are the steps?

* Will you like the tape and follow it several times a week?

* Does the instructor have a pleasing presence or does he or she get on your nerves after a while?

* Does the tape promise that you’ll look like a celebrity, reduce your thigh size in three days, drop 10 pounds in a week or make a similar unrealistic promise? Such marketing is unsafe and irresponsible.

* Does the tape, or series of tapes, offer beginning, intermediate and advanced levels? As at a gym, you should work up to the more difficult levels.


* Is the instructor certified and experienced? Or is the tape’s main pitch simply that a celebrity is featured?

* Does the tape include a warmup and a cool-down? To be safe and effective, it should.

* Does it include modification alternatives? (A good instructor will offer ways to modify particular exercises for people with special needs.)

* Does the tape provide a balanced exercise routine that stresses the importance of aerobic, strength and flexibility exercises? Well-rounded workouts include all three.


* Will you need to invest in props such as floor mats, steps, barbells, stretch ropes, etc.? If so, can you afford such equipment and do you have room for it in front of your VCR/DVD player?

And as always, check with your physician before you start an exercise program.


Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions by e-mail to: [email protected]. She cannot respond to every query.
