
Increase Repetitions, Not Weight

Question: How can I use weight training to burn more calories, and how many times each week should I lift weights to see results?



Answer: Because muscle burns more calories than fat, increasing muscle will help you lose weight (even though muscle weighs more than fat). To maximize your calorie burning during weight training, increase repetitions rather than increasing weight. This will also help you build strength without bulking up. Take very short rest periods between sets (no more than 45 seconds) to speed up metabolism and burn more calories.

How often you work out depends on your goals. If you’re trying to accomplish a bodybuilder body, spread your workouts over four to six days each week, emphasizing a different body part each day. However, this program isn’t realistic for most of us, and for endurance athletes, isn’t even necessarily beneficial. Those who lift weights simply to improve movement, strength and function should work out two or three times each week.


Also, be sure to evenly space your workout sessions. For example, if you’re going to work out twice a week, choose Monday and Thursday as opposed to Tuesday and Thursday, which creates a four-day gap when there is no workout.


Stephanie Oakes is the fitness correspondent for Discovery Health Channel and a health/fitness consultant. Send questions to [email protected]. She cannot respond to every query.
