
Albanian-Serb Terror

* Another seven Serb civilians and three policeman were killed in or around Kosovo, a province of Serbia, by Albanian terrorists (Feb. 19). It was another sad day for the Serbs. Sad to realize that the U.S.-led NATO forces (KFOR) did not improve anything, despite repeated empty promises to protect the Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo.

While KFOR watches, in the 22 months since the “humanitarian war” was launched against Serbia, Serbs are being killed with impunity. Nothing is being done about it: 1,200 Serbs from Kosovo are dead or missing in the last 18 months. Further, well over 100 churches constructed in medieval times and thousands of the Serbian population’s houses have been erased. Serbian history is being erased. Thousands more civilians will get depleted-uranium-related illnesses and die. What peace? What type of victory is this for America and NATO? Who are we kidding? Kosovo is a great failure of America’s foreign policy and very sad for humanity.


