
Opportunities to Volunteer

Temple Judea in Tarzana needs tutors to teach English as a Second Language to adults. Volunteers should be willing to donate about four hours a week for at least a year. Training begins in late January. Call (818) 758-3800.

Antelope Valley College needs volunteers for the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance or VITA program, which provides free tax preparation help. Free training on Saturdays through January at the college. Call (661) 722-6370.

Encino B’nai B’rith needs drivers to pick up bagels, bread and cakes and deliver them to poor children, needy seniors, battered women and children and the homeless. Call Herman Berman, (818) 788-4230 or Steve Pollack, (818) 992-7422.


Service Corps of Retired Executives needs volunteers with business knowledge to counsel current and future entrepreneurs at local chamber of commerce offices. Call (805) 658-0484 or Bob Benton at (818) 991-4286.

The Volunteer Center of Los Angeles needs volunteers to work with the Starlight Children’s Foundation, which helps seriously ill children and their families.

Wildlife on Wheels, which teaches children about wildlife and conservation, also needs volunteers. For both of these programs, call Joan Kagan at (818) 908-5128.


The California Wildlife Center needs people to take care of injured and orphaned animals. The Calabasas center needs volunteers to help with rescues, education and construction projects. Call (310) 457-9453. The Los Angeles Unified School District’s West Valley Academic Mentor Program needs mentors for kindergarten through eighth-grade students at risk of failing. Training is provided. For information and an application, call (818) 932-0306.

The Family Friends Project of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles is seeking volunteers to provide friendship and support to children with special needs. Participants must volunteer two to four hours a week and training is provided. Call Irene Mednick or Felice Resnick at (818) 761-3447.
