
Blood Drive Will Benefit Teacher

A local second-grade teacher with leukemia will get help from community members during a blood drive.

Joann Cho, of Simmons Elementary School in the Garden Grove Unified School District, needs blood to help with her treatment.

The City of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute, both in Duarte, will sponsor the event, to be held from 1 to 6:30 p.m. Feb. 8 in the school cafeteria, 11602 Steele Drive, Garden Grove.


Donors must be at least 17; those 15 and 16 may donate if they have a signed consent form.

For a donation appointment, call the school at (714) 663-6096. For information on eligibility requirements, call Elvia Guiterrez at the City of Hope, (626) 301-8385.
