
Wage War on Adults Who Abuse Children

“Father Found Guilty of 1st-Degree Murder in Deaths of 2 Children” (July 18) was a well-written description of the horrific acts of a dreadful human being. The 14 children brought into this world by the depraved unions of Marco Barrera with his wife Petra Ricardo and his sister-in-law Maria Ricardo are to be pitied by the people of two nations. The surviving children’s welfare must be be taken care of, so that they may have a chance at a decent future. All three of these adults are to be reviled. I am also suspicious of any friends and relatives who knew of this sordid situation and did nothing.

It’s gut check time. It’s time that the state ceases to be a wimpy and politically correct joke of a government and decides that this cannot happen again. Sacramento needs to suspend all trivial pursuits and wage total war on any adult involved in the abuse of children.

Douglas Hughes

