
Mexico-U.S. Talks on Guest Workers

So, Mexico has upped the ante by insisting that President Bush accept a Mexican-dominated/dictated binational accord that aids illegal immigrants (“Amnesty by Any Name Is Hot Topic,” July 22). “It’s the whole enchilada or nothing,” quipped the foreign minister, Jorge Castaneda. This arrogance on the part of a Mexican government spokesman is not only insulting but astounding. Bush should exhibit some of that “vision thing” and tell Castaneda exactly what he can do with his enchilada.

Joseph Lea

Mission Viejo


No new program that provides amnesty, or “regularization,” will reduce illegal immigration unless it is coupled with a solid workplace enforcement provision. This must include a direct check with the Social Security database to determine if all job applicants have a valid account. New guest workers will receive a provisional number, valid only for the period of temporary employment. A percentage of the salary of the guest worker can be withheld and reimbursed when the worker returns home.

Without such guarantees and workplace enforcement, no program will stop illegal immigration.


Byron Slater

San Diego
