
Hunt for Brothers’ Killer Continues


Inglewood police Thursday continued to investigate the slaying of two brothers by a man dressed as a postal worker, but said they had not determined a motive or whether the killer had any affiliation with the Postal Service.

Jontrae Byrdsong, 18, and his brother Howard, 20, died of gunshot wounds in their home in the 200 block of North Hillcrest Boulevard, said Inglewood Police Sgt. Ron Ragan.

The gunman came to the house, located in what neighbors call a very safe area, about 10 a.m. and told the woman who answered the door that he had a package for the brothers and needed one of them to sign for it.


When the woman, Regina Martin, turned around, the gunman hit her with a pistol, her son said Wednesday.

The man walked through the house, found both brothers and shot them, Martin’s son said.

Martin had taken the Byrdsong brothers into her home about a year ago when their mother, an LAPD officer, died of a brain tumor.

The Postal Service has offered to help police in the investigation, said Postal Inspector Pamela Prince.


Officials are investigating whether the gunman is really a postal worker, Prince said. “But at this time, I don’t believe [he] is,” she added.

The gunman wore long pants and a short-sleeved shirt with postal patches on it, Ragan said.

Jerry Brown, 71, who lives across the street from the house, said he was shocked that such a thing could happen in his neighborhood of manicured lawns and well-kept homes.


“Other than this traffic [on Hillcrest Boulevard], this neighborhood is very quiet,” said Brown, who did not hear the shots.

“These are very professional people over here. . . . It’s a very shocking situation.”

The gunman is described as an African American male, 25 to 28 years old, 5 feet 7 and 155 to 160 pounds.

Anyone with information can call Inglewood police at (310) 412-5246 or (310) 412-5210.
