

The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--68 anglers (3 boats): 430 rockfish, 80 albacore.

AVILA BEACH (Patriot Sportfishing)--35 anglers (2 boats): 142 rockcod, 208 bolina.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--82 anglers (2 boats): 22 barracuda, 48 calico bass, 1 halibut, 4 ocean whitefish, 185 rockfish, 76 sand bass, 3 sculpin, 5 sheephead. (Hornet’s Landing)--29 anglers (1 boat): 81 calico bass, 5 sand bass, 1 sculpin, 5 ocean whitefish, 46 rockfish, 5 sheephead, 25 mackerel.

OXNARD (Cisco’s)--323 anglers (11 boats): 318 barracuda, 4 blue perch, 138 bonito, 242 calico bass, 13 halibut, 5 lingcod, 119 red snapper, 82 rockcod, 645 rockfish, 408 sand bass, 25 sculpin, 38 sheephead, 205 whitefish, 39 white seabass, 1 yellowtail, 2 cabezon, 1 black seabass (released). (Captain Hook’s)--101 anglers (4 boats): 129 calico bass, 350 sand bass, 61 barracuda, 1 halibut, 31 rockfish, 8 sculpin, 190 whitefish, 125 red snapper, 3 sole, 2 cabezon.


PORT HUENEME--95 anglers (4 boats): 48 white seabass, 65 calico bass, 5 sheephead, 99 barracuda, 6 halibut, 52 rockfish, 259 sand bass, 182 whitefish, 30 blue perch.

MARINA DEL REY--232 anglers (7 boats): 780 sand bass, 157 calico bass, 19 barracuda, 300 sculpin, 240 rockcod, 80 sand dabs, 3 halibut, 100 mackerel.

SAN PEDRO (L.A. Harbor Sportfishing)--262 anglers (8 boats): 33 yellowtail, 1 white seabass, 650 calico bass, 92 barracuda, 25 sand bass, 293 blue perch, 32 sheephead, 38 whitefish, 17 sculpin, 7 sargo, 5 halibut, 39 rockfish. (22nd St. Landing)--359 anglers (9 boats): 5 yellowtail, 2 white seabass, 385 calico bass, 127 sand bass, 198 barracuda, 1 halibut, 762 sculpin, 5 sheephead, 34 whitefish, 208 blue perch, 58 rockfish, 4 sole.


LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--402 anglers (13 boats): 41 albacore, 24 yellowtail, 6 white seabass, 381 barracuda, 709 calico bass, 181 sand bass, 85 rockfish, 27 sheephead, 20 sculpin, 6 bonito, 4 halibut (released), 95 Spanish jack, 148 blue perch, 2 yellowfin croaker, 2 opaleye perch, 100 mackerel. (Marina Sportfishing)--144 anglers (5 boats): 1 yellowtail, 93 barracuda, 241 calico bass, 350 sand bass, 8 rockfish, 24 whitefish, 33 sculpin, 3 sheephead, 143 blue perch, 2 bonito, 1 salmon. (Belmont Pier)--54 anglers (2 boats): 14 barracuda, 55 calico bass, 109 mackerel, 175 sand bass, 6 sculpin. (Pierpoint Landing)--171 anglers (5 boats): 3 yellowtail, 1 white seabass, 139 barracuda, 195 calico bass, 85 sand bass, 185 perch, 83 rockfish, 47 sheephead.

SEAL BEACH--80 anglers (3 boats): 35 barracuda, 128 calico bass, 273 sand bass, 6 sculpin, 41 mackerel.

NEWPORT BEACH (Newport Landing)--270 anglers (7 boats): 550 calico bass, 143 barracuda, 261 sand bass, 696 sculpin, 1 yellowtail, 1 white seabass, 5 bonito, 1 halibut, 3 rockfish, 5 sheephead, 3 whitefish, 9 sole, 6 black croaker, 1 cabezon. (Davey’s Locker)--354 anglers (10 boats): 26 albacore, 2 yellowtail, 317 calico bass, 313 barracuda, 260 sand bass, 21 bonito, 3 halibut, 117 rockfish, 1 white seabass, 122 whitefish, 31 sheephead, 82 blue perch, 22 Spanish jack, 362 mackerel, 4 mako shark.


DANA WHARF--288 anglers (10 boats): 16 albacore, 2 yellowtail, 1,137 sand bass, 96 barracuda, 345 calico bass, 145 mackerel, 1 halibut, 4 rockfish, 3 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 1 white seabass.

OCEANSIDE (Helgren’s)--158 anglers (8 boats): 69 albacore, 25 yellowfin tuna, 164 barracuda, 128 calico bass, 263 sand bass, 2 halibut, 5 sculpin, 10 sheephead, 12 whitefish, 4 smooth hound shark, 11 rock sole.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--453 anglers (19 boats): 186 albacore, 10 bluefin tuna, 813 yellowtail, 2 dorado, 1 mako shark. (Seaforth)--439 anglers (15 boats): 65 albacore, 1 dorado, 2 white seabass, 192 yellowtail, 12 bonito, 211 barracuda, 228 calico bass, 612 sand bass, 69 rockfish, 13 whitefish, 2 sheephead, 12 sculpin, 1 halibut. (Islandia)--162 anglers (5 boats): 10 bluefin tuna, 48 albacore, 15 yellowtail, 50 barracuda, 208 calico bass, 15 sand bass, 18 sculpin, 73 rockfish, 2 white seabass, 58 mackerel.
