

Southwest Chamber Music in Pasadena seeks concert managers for monthly Tuesday evening concerts at the Colburn School of Performing Arts. Volunteers usher and provide the public with information. Information: Inka Bujalska, (626) 685-4455.

* Ventura Chamber Music Festival, to be held May 3-13 in various venues in Ventura, needs volunteers to work during and preceding the festival. Positions include reception and hospitality, production, cleanup, ushering, ticketing, office work and transportation of artists. The festival features classical music performances from world-renowned and local artists. Information, (805) 648-3146.

* Volunteer Vital English in Pomona, which offers free English lessons to non-English-speaking adults, needs adults to teach individually or in small groups. There will be a training session for prospective tutors on April 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Montclair. Information: (909) 622-2453.


* Children’s Nature Institute in Santa Monica needs volunteers to help prepare for its annual kids’ festival to be held June 2 at Temescal Gateway Park in Pacific Palisades. People are needed to make crafts, help with office projects and more. Information: (310) 998-1151.

* Optimist Youth Homes & Family Services, a Los Angeles treatment and education center for at-risk youngsters, needs volunteers at its Highland Park campus to tutor high school students, to help in its auto-shop program and to train cheerleaders. Also, child care is needed while parents attend group meetings. Information: Phyllis Shapiro, (323) 443-3018.

* Children, Youth and Family Collaborative in Los Angeles needs mentors for foster children ages 16 to 18 and to participate in one planned event a month, tutors one hour a week to help youths in foster care, pro bono attorneys and general volunteers for a variety of tasks. Information: (213) 385-2977, Ext. 137.


* Patterns in Hawthorne, which provides shelter and support to recovering alcoholic women and their children, needs volunteers to supervise the children while their mothers attend counseling sessions. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Peace Games, a nonprofit group dedicated to supporting elementary school students in being peacemakers, needs donated office space and equipment. Information: Deb Glazer, (310) 474-1321.


Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
