
Israel: Ready to Live As an Equal in Peace

Don Bustany (letter, Nov. 14) indicts Israel and Zionism as racist by definition. At least since 1991, when the U.N. overwhelmingly rescinded its tragic resolution equating Zionism and racism, the unfortunate language employed by Bustany has been utterly discredited by the world’s civilized nations. Zionism is very simply the name of the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. It is the manifestation of the Jewish people’s right to a national existence and self-determination--the same right recognized for all other nations on Earth.

Bustany’s claim that only Jews may immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship is not accurate. Jews have preferential, but not exclusive, status in applying for Israeli citizenship. Nearly 20% of Israel’s citizens are non-Jews, of which the vast majority are Arabs. Israel’s vibrant democracy boasts Jewish and Arab legislators sitting side by side in the nation’s parliament. Israel has the freest Arabic press anywhere in the Middle East.

Bustany also errs in stating that “only Jews have been allowed to purchase or lease land in most parts of Israel.” The complication arises from the fact that well over three-quarters of Israeli land is government-owned and not available for sale to either Israeli Jews or Arabs. Such land, however, can be leased by all Israelis, while the remainder of privately held land in the country can be purchased by any interested party.


Peace is definitely possible, but only if violence is not used to achieve political goals. By forsaking the use of terrorism once and for all, our Palestinian neighbors will find Israelis ready to live side by side with them, as neighbors and equals, in peace.

Meirav Eilon-Shahar


Consulate of Israel

Los Angeles
