
Hiding a Dragon

“The Dragon That Ate Summer”

by Brenda Seabrooke

Alastair is a bored boy because he broke his arm. Then he finds a dragon in his backyard. He doesn’t want anyone to know, so he hides him in his room. Will his family find out? Read the book.

--Tanner, 9, St. Michael’s

Academy, San Clemente

“The Boxcar Children:

The Mystery of the Hidden Painting”

by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Four kids named Henry, Jessie, Violet and Benny went to the attic and found a picture of a lady. Their grandfather said it was their grandmother wearing a necklace they couldn’t find. The kids went to their aunt’s house and asked lots of people in her town about the necklace, but nobody knew anything about it. They went to a museum and saw a necklace that looked just like it. Read the book to find out more.

--Gabriel, 9, Pressman

Academy, Los Angeles


Kids, please send us a short book review. Include an original color illustration of the story if you like to draw. Try to tell us about a book that has not been reviewed in this column yet. Tell us the title and author of the book. (Be sure to keep the ending a surprise.) See “How to Write to Us” on this page for more information.


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