
A Universal God Does Not Take Sides

From the moment Kate Smith introduced Irving Berlin’s inspirational song, “God Bless America,” we the American people and our political leaders have consistently used its title to inspire and sometimes to incite. This is especially true in times of crisis. Since Sept. 11 we have been inundated with the words: God bless America.

Could this be seen as a form of insincerity that inspires the terrorist? Is this the reason why so many atheists are writing letters criticizing believers? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes! Like most believers, we Americans have a tendency to portray God as an exclusive God. We must, at long last, come to grips with this indisputable fact: God is not and could not be exclusive. God belongs to all nations, to all people--even our enemies. Therefore we should say, “God bless us all!” Only with his blessings will this war come to a just end.

Paul P. DuPlessis

Diamond Bar


Am I the only one who misses the good old days of the Cold War, when our adversaries were godless? At any rate, may God bless those thinkers throughout history who warned us that the worst evil is that which is done in God’s name.


Mark Davidson

