
Maybe She Thinks a Bachelor’s Degree Is Only for Unmarried Male Students

A high school girl phoned the advisement center at Cal State L.A. to ask about the requirements for a “bachelorette” degree. “Perhaps she’s a majorette,” commented Linda Trevillian, a university administrator.


Marquee madness (cont.): As part of the long-running series of startling movie combinations here, Bob Wyckoff of Lompoc sent along this racy statement (see photo).


A glue named sue: Erica Cabanel-Evans and Jack Meyer noticed a typo with a litigious theme on a glue gun’s label (see photo). “I admire a company with that kind of long-term thinking,” Meyer commented.



QuackAlert: Marilyn Cagle thinks there’s hope for L.A. drivers yet; several of them good-naturedly allowed their commutes to be interrupted by a mother duck and about a dozen ducklings on the San Diego Freeway Monday morning. “Traffic came to a halt so several of us could park and walk on to the freeway to rescue the birds,” she said. “No one honked or got impatient. A tow-truck driver stopped, as did a highway patrolman. I was very touched by the kindness of so many commuters.”

Maybe drivers will start showing more consideration for humans on foot, as well.


Color me blue: Not that you asked, but one of the family dramas of our vacation was selecting the color our house would be painted. I had no idea of the countless choices. When I was a kid, it seemed like there were only about eight colors (had purple even been invented by then?). Anyway, I wanted something appropriate for Southern California and pointed out that the Benjamin Moore index contained one disaster hue, one snack food color and one shade seen occasionally by motorists (see accompanying).

These were all vetoed by Mrs. Only in L.A., along with some snappy names in the rival Valspar color index: Dinner Mint, Green With Envy, Aloof and Paper Bag (even though the latter displayed no wrinkles). My other choice, Dodger Blue, wasn’t even offered.


Eventually, we chose a shade lighter--and, I hope, prouder--than Green With Envy. I can’t remember what it’s called, because I think I’ve gone temporarily colorblind.


Speaking of Dodger Blue: When I returned to work, I was surprised to find the headline, “Dive Dodger Stadium,” in the scuba publication of Reef Seekers Dive Co. of Beverly Hills.

The company said it had rented the stadium this Sunday and would “have it flooded” for a “once-in-a-lifetime scuba diving opportunity” at $75 per person (includes a free Dodger towel). “Our depth is limited by the height of the outfield bleachers, but we still should get 40 to 50 feet out of it,” the newsletter said (the Dodgers are, of course, out of town that day).


The dugouts and clubhouses will be available for underwater exploration but “because these will now represent an overhead environment, you must be cave-certified,” Reef Seekers said. “We will be able to conduct a special mini-class (extra cost of $50) and guide you through.”

I found it odd that I hadn’t heard about this unique event until now. I wondered if there was any significance to the date of the newsletter: April 1.


miscelLAny: On its local radio station (1500-AM), the city of Beverly Hills announced an “early bird special” at one municipal lot for drivers who “enter before 10.” I guess that arriving somewhere before 10 a.m. qualifies you as an early bird in Beverly Hills.


When he’s not underwater, Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LA-TIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012 and by e-mail at [email protected].
