
U.S. Should Not Remove Saddam

Re “Let’s Roll Against Saddam Hussein,” Commentary, Feb. 28: I absolutely disagree with David McCormick’s views about “removing” Saddam Hussein. We have no moral authority to attack another sovereign nation no matter under what pretext. Iraq has not invaded or attacked another country as it did before the Persian Gulf War.

As per the suffering of the Iraqi people, we should take a lion’s share of the responsibility; the crippling embargo on Iraq during last the 11 years has been imposed at our bidding. There is no moral justification for denying little children and the old people the most basic health care. Hundreds of thousands of children have died because of the embargo.

Yes, Hussein is a most despicable and ruthless dictator. But that does not give us any moral right to attack Iraq and cause thousands of civilian casualties.


Chaitanya Dave

Rancho Palos Verdes


The drumbeats for attacking Iraq are increasing. Our Congress gave the president the ability to respond to the tragedy of Sept. 11. It approved a response to those who helped bring the terror about. But our elected representatives did not authorize the invasion of Iraq. They did not authorize the administration to wage war any time, anywhere. They did not authorize war without end.

Doris Isolini Nelson

Los Angeles
