
Involvement Opportunities

* Interfaith Caregivers of San Gabriel Valley needs volunteers to make phone calls, assist with shopping and errands, take people to doctors’ appointments and make friendly visits. The nonprofit organization provides assistance to area residents such as the homebound, elderly, disabled or ill and those who care for them. (626) 918-3733.

* Kaiser Permanente needs volunteers to provide respite or companionship to terminally ill patients and their families throughout the Los Angeles area. Training and ongoing supervision are provided. Bilingual skills are especially helpful. (323) 783-7584.

* Glendale Adventist Medical Center needs volunteers in patient care, patient translation, customer service, child care, waiting rooms, hospitality, library, gift shop and other areas. (818) 409-8057.



Send health-related items typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, Health, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
