
Do the Palestinians Have a Free Press?

Re “Voice for Israel’s Enemy,” March 15: Marjorie Miller’s story of Israeli journalist Amira Hass taking the PLO side was interesting indeed. Juxtaposed with “Violence Unabated Amid U.S. Envoy’s Mideast Visit” on the same page, it points up U.S. envoy Anthony C. Zinni’s difficulties. An Israeli who becomes a mouthpiece for the Arabs is published, discussed, condemned or acclaimed, but free. An Arab who is even suspected of collaborating with Israel is lynched, his body dragged through the streets and strung up on the nearest lamppost. As for a dissenting opinion in the Arab press, forget it. Good luck, Gen. Zinni.

Barry Cohon

Los Angeles


It is hardly news that Israel’s press reports the Arab point of view. This has been going on for years. The real news would be an Arab reporter who has the sheer guts to report the Israeli perspective. Who in the Arab press represents Israel’s situation in a fair and realistic manner for its readership? Where in the Arab press are the reports of the toil and hardship created on Israeli civilians by the countless acts of terrorism perpetrated against them on a daily basis? Where is the depiction of a tiny country of 6 million under siege for over 50 years by much larger, hostile Arab neighbors? Who speaks for the Israeli point of view in the Arab world? Unfortunately, a tremendous silence resounds in this regard, and that makes all the difference.

Aaron Shuster

Los Angeles


The only crystal-clear fact emerging from the continuing violence in the Middle East is that neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians want peace quite as much as they want to win. It has been so for thousands of years, and the U.S. government is as arrogant as it is naive in believing that any sort of intervention on our part will change that dynamic.


We are involved in a horrendous war in Afghanistan because of our ongoing support--including many billions of dollars annually--for Israel. I will dare to ask the question: What has Israel done for us lately?

Andie Harvey



I voted for George W. Bush but I am extremely bothered by his rather hypocritical fight against terrorism. While I fully support our actions in Afghanistan and even--soon--Iraq, America should be very supportive of Israel and its fight against Palestinian terrorists. The Israelis are fighting the same fight we are. As the Easter holiday approaches, I encourage all Christians to pray for all soldiers fighting terrorists, including the Israelis. President Bush, you said that in America’s fight against terrorists, you’re either with us or against us. The Israelis are definitely with us and deserve America’s full support.

Alan Christianson



The easiest way to eliminate terrorism against Israelis from suicide bombers is to supply the Palestinians with Apache helicopters, tanks and F-16s.


John Youssef

Woodland Hills
