
Whose Mary Is This?

What makes Cardinal Roger M. Mahony or Robert Graham feel that the Virgin Mary needs to be brought into the 21st century (“In Our Own Image,” by Reed Johnson, Sept. 1)? A better image of that would be a woman in a suit, a cell phone in one hand, a briefcase in the other and a baby strapped across her chest.

Mary shouldn’t have to be brought into the 21st century. She is a real person, not one created out of our imagination. She is a woman of Jewish descent. Her looks should reflect that. Although she is not mentioned overly much in the Bible, when she is, she is powerful.

As a Catholic, I am disgusted by Cardinal Mahony. A church is supposed to glorify God, not Mahony. This is one Catholic who will never set foot in Mahony’s folly.


All that money could have been used in a much better way. Instead, it was used to glorify an egotist.




Mahony’s approval of the image of Mother Mary in the sculpture at the new cathedral is way out of line. He depicts a young girl dressed in an outfit that makes her look like a space ranger.

History tells us that our holy Mother Mary could never have looked or dressed like that.

I cannot imagine myself kneeling before this statue and reciting the “Hail Mary.” Thank God, they didn’t blaspheme and place a blaster in her hands.


Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners who are so distorting your image.




Modern Mary’s dress is so-o-o “B.C.” Let’s see those knees!


Palm Desert


Thoroughly Modern Mary = Julia Roberts.


Marina del Rey
