
Political Left Puts California in Decline

Re “California Is Seen in Rearview Mirror,” Aug. 6: Of course those who have the option are leaving California. Small businesses are being taxed and “workers’-comped” out of the state. Homeowners, car owners, rental property owners, etc., are all being taxed, surcharged and “politically corrected” out of the state.

Our schools are failing -- kids graduate from high school without being able to read the words on their own diplomas. Our governor has bankrupted the state to a catastrophic level. Illegal immigration is encouraged by our state government and law-abiding citizens are harangued for resisting it. Our universities refuse to acknowledge the horrific damage done to minority students by so-called affirmative action. What has happened to this glorious state is truly a tragedy, a tragedy brought on by the political left. The minute my family has the option, we too will leave.

Patricia McCarthy

