
Working for Peace With Kucinich

Thank you for “Kucinich’s Vibrations Feel Good to Malibu Crowd” (Dec. 23), even if it was on Page A29. Frankly, I’d given up hope of seeing much more on this quality candidate, Ohio Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich, because of his long-shot status. Not all long shots are created equal. Some are prescient, standing for public policies that -- if implemented sooner -- will preclude later disruption. But they must be seen, they must be heard, they must be read.

Duane and Louise Waln



We should never forget the image and implications of Kim Phuc as a terrified little girl, running to escape napalm fire in Vietnam (“ ‘Napalmed Girl’ on an Aid Mission,” Commentary, Dec. 24). Nor should we ignore her present efforts to convince Congress to help the primary victims of war -- civilians, mainly women and children. But we must do more: cooperate fully with and strengthen the United Nations and its peacekeeping ability, and give serious bipartisan consideration to a proposal made by Kucinich -- the establishment of a Cabinet-level Department of Peace. Perhaps then there would be fewer victims of war.

Jerry Carlson

