
Readers recommend

Chile: Santiago hotel

Hotel Carrera, Teatinos 180, Santiago; 011-56-2-698-2011,

fax 011-56-2-672-1083, “Renovated luxury hotel in downtown Santiago has well-appointed rooms and a charming, English-speaking staff. Pool and lounge area are on the roof of this high-rise and are beautiful, as is the view of the city with the Andes in the distance. Convenient location.” Doubles $110 with breakfast.

Laura and Ken Perry

Newport Beach


England: Tasty stop

Traveller’s Rest, Buxton Road, Quarnford, Leek Road near Buxton, SK17 0SN; 011-44-1298-23695. “Fantastic, rustic restaurant is a nice stop for folks headed to the potteries near Stoke-on-Trent. Meals are delicious and presented as you might find them in a trendy place in L.A. Two pet dogs keep cozy by the fireplace, and owners and locals will stop by and chat with you throughout the meal. Inexpensive; our tab for four adults, with drinks and desserts, was $60.” Entrees start at less than $10.

Diane Case


Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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