
Reed lets it rip

A few excerpts from recent Rex Reed reviews in the New York Observer:

On “Anger Management”: “When an accomplished pro like Jack Nicholson teams up with an incompetent amateur like Adam Sandler, the stench of easy money and fast profits poisons the ozone.”

On “Dreamcatcher”: “Just when you say, ‘I’ve seen the worst movie ever made,’ and I respond, ‘No, I’ve seen the worst movie ever made,’ the garbage truck rolls around again, dumps off a horror called ‘Dreamcatcher’ and makes liars of us all. Only a 12-year-old on crack could tell you what this rotten movie is about.”

On “The Recruit”: “A big, noisy, stupid movie about American secret intelligence that could only be conjured up by the overactive imagination of a director from Australia. It’s as forgettable as last night’s dim-sum takeout.”


On “The Hours”: “Hiding behind a swampy veil of sallow flesh, sour grimaces and a fake nose the size of a shoehorn, Nicole Kidman throws her ravishing beauty on a funeral pyre for art. But all I could think about was Jimmy Durante.”

On “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”: “The movie will scare the living daylights out of young children and confuse the hell out of grown-ups.”
