
Winners Will Be Flush With Cash

Attention out-of-work-vocalists: Fluidmaster, maker of toilet-repair parts, is searching for “gifted (or just plain brave) performers who can reasonably imitate the sound of a flushing toilet.” All you have to do to enter the Fluidmaster Flush-Off is phone (714) 777-8837 and record your version of an emptying john.

Spokeswoman Gretchen Kurz warned callers to forget about merely holding the phone next to a flushing toilet -- company workers know the real thing when they hear it.


Flush-off (cont.): Finalists will be invited to the company headquarters in San Juan Capistrano on Oct. 6, when three flushers will win prizes ranging from $250 to $1,000.


The finals often inspire unusual outfits, a toilet-seat cover worn as a necklace being one memorable example.

As in any art form, the flush is open to many interpretations.

“Some people roar -- I call that the manly approach,” Kurz said. “Some have a cartoonish effect without whooshing but with a higher pitch -- lots of squeaking.” One thing you can be sure of, Kurz added, is “there’ll be a lot of gurgles. The length of the gurgle at the end really varies.”


Palisades-Complaint-of-the-Week: Latest honors go to the reader who wrote the Palisadian-Post: “If you need to talk on your cellphone from your car, do so while you’re waiting for the red light to change at Chautauqua and PCH. That’s a good five minutes well spent.”



Dr. Dolittle’s legacy? The talk-to-the-animals movement is active in Southern California, judging from the item spotted by Sally Fader of Huntington Beach (see accompanying).


‘Nuff said: Noticing the name of some rooms at Mount St. Mary’s College, Stephanie Wong of Altadena could understand why precautions would be taken (see accompanying).


Masochist’s special: Ralph Merrill of Long Beach saw just the thing for boat passengers who love misery (see photo).



Such a deal: I know that many of you turn to this column not because you’re in love with my prose but to take advantage of the specials I publish. Just to show there are no hard feelings, I’ve included a discount on a pizza, first noticed by Stanley Siegenthaler of Apple Valley (see photo). Guess it’s a real big pizza.


Talk about being wiped out: In the L.A. Independent, David Chan of L.A. read a police blotter item about a drug dealer who hit a customer “several times on the head with a squeegee and fled the scene.”


miscelLAny: I recently joked that gasoline costs millions in Turkey, after Dodi Fromson sent me a photo of a pump in that country that read “1,912,000.” But Jackson Henry of Torrance points out that even when you convert the cost from liras to dollars, it ain’t cheap -- about $5 per gallon.

“I suspect there are precious few SUVs in Turkey,” Henry added. “We should be so lucky!”


Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].
