

‘President Reagan fueled the spirit of America. His smile, his optimism, his total belief in the ultimate triumph of democracy and freedom, and his willingness to act on that belief, helped end the Cold War and usher in a new and brighter phase of history.’

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, who served as Reagan’s national security advisor


‘I will never forget his quick wit and ability to communicate with the American public like few other politicians in history. While I did not agree with many of his policies, his devotion and love for our nation was undeniable.’

Sen. James M. Jeffords (I-Vt.)


‘He brought down the “Evil Empire” and made the world safer for my children and theirs. For that, I shall be forever grateful for his leadership.’


Oliver L. North, a national security aide who was fired for his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal


‘He’s the reason we got into politics and came to Washington.’

Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard and chief of staff to Education Secretary William J. Bennett under Reagan.


‘On foreign policy he will be honored as the president who won the Cold War, and his “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall” will be linked forever with President John F. Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner.”


Edward M. Kennedy, brother of President Kennedy and a Democratic senator from Massachusetts


‘While Ronald Reagan’s politics grew conservative over the years and, at times, at odds with the nation’s labor movement, there can be no question that he devoted years of his life to advancing the wages, benefits and working conditions of his fellow actors.’

Melissa Gilbert, president of Screen Actors Guild, which Reagan headed from 1947 to 1952 and in 1959 and 1960



‘I pray that as America reflects on the passing of my dad, they will remember a man of integrity, conviction and good humor that changed America and the world for the better.’

Michael Reagan,the former president’s son


‘The tragedy of his disease was he never really understood the legacy he left behind.’

Lyn Nofziger, a former Reagan aide
