
Defeating Prop. 70 Was a Bad Bet for Taxpayers

It’s sad that Proposition 70, which would have allowed tribes unlimited expansion of casinos on their reservations, failed.

The governor proposed voting against it because it would interfere with his ability to negotiate future deals with the tribes of California.

To me, the defeat of the proposition will only interfere with the governor’s ability to achieve a balanced budget.


By voting down Proposition 70, while at the same time passing the measures dealing with expansion of children’s hospitals and health for the disabled and mentally ill (both successful), cuts will now have to be made to pay for these.

Defeating Proposition 70 has cost the state almost $1 billion in annual tax revenue that could have been used for vital services and paying down the debt.

I do not condone gambling, nor would I ever encourage it, but if people are going to gamble (which they will), the opportunity for far more tax revenue than any corporation could have given has just been lost.


Get ready for income tax and gas tax increases, folks, because they’re coming.

David Eccles

